Gold jewellery that saves the sea. Best cleaning tips for gold plated jewellery blog post

Best Cleaning Tips For Gold Plated Jewellery

Gold plated jewellery is a popular choice for those who want the look of real gold without the high price tag. However, over time, gold plated jewellery can become tarnished or lose its shine. Proper cleaning and maintenance can help prolong the life of your gold plated jewellery and keep it looking like new. In this article, we’ll go over some of the best jewellery cleaning tips for gold plated jewellery.

  1. Use a gentle cleaner
    When cleaning gold plated jewellery, it’s important to use a gentle cleaner to avoid damaging the delicate plating. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners that can scratch or remove the gold plating. Instead, use a mild soap and water solution or a specialized jewellery cleaner that is designed for use on gold plated jewellery.

  2. Use a soft-bristled brush
    To remove dirt and grime from your gold plated jewellery, use a soft-bristled brush. A toothbrush with soft bristles or a soft makeup brush can work well for this purpose. Gently brush your jewellery in a circular motion, being careful not to rub too hard or scratch the surface.

  3. Rinse with water
    After cleaning your gold plated jewellery, rinse it thoroughly with water to remove any remaining soap or cleaning solution. Use a soft cloth to pat the jewellery dry, being careful not to rub or scratch the surface.

  4. Store your jewellery properly
    Proper storage is important to prevent damage and tarnishing to your gold plated jewellery. Store your jewellery in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight and moisture. You can also store your jewellery in a soft pouch or lined jewellery box to help protect it from scratches and other damage.

  5. Avoid wearing your jewellery in water
    Gold plated jewellery should not be worn in water, as exposure to moisture can cause the gold plating to wear off or tarnish. Remove your jewellery before swimming or bathing, and avoid wearing it while washing your hands or doing dishes.

Gold plated jewellery can be a beautiful and affordable alternative to real gold, but proper cleaning and maintenance is important to keep it looking like new. Use gentle cleaners, soft-bristled brushes, and avoid wearing your jewellery in water. Store your jewellery properly in a cool, dry place to help prevent damage and tarnishing. By following these tips, you can keep your gold plated jewellery looking beautiful for years to come.

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